Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ryan D

Ryan D


Julia T. said...

i don't know what to write

Julia T. said...

i don't know what to write

Julia T. said...

awesome doooooooooood!!!

Julia T. said...


Julia T. said...

Ryan you are so sexy and i want to tell you finally who am i and that i like you a lot so uh....................................................I cant i promise i will tell you at school somewhere alone where we can do some dirty things!!!!!

Julia T. said...

ok whoevers talkin bout doing dirth things w/ ryan u a ho. ur in middle skool u dont need 2 b doing sh*t like that...ryans tight but get over it cuz he prolly wouldnt get w/ u anyways...he dont date stoopid hoes anymore. he stopped after damaris. so move on honey! lates

Julia T. said...

ok iam down!!!LOL

Julia T. said...

ryan yur down for enythang.
bet you gottan std fool