Monday, March 10, 2008

Jonathan Cabral (Jonaldinho)

Name: Jonathan Cabral Grajeda

Nickname: Jona, "J", Jonaldinho.........

Grade: 8th grade

Favorite Subjects: Soccer and DRUMS!!!!!

Favorite Activities:Sleep................... finally.......... Sleep, play soccer and drums.

Favorite Foods: to many to write

Favorite Movies: I have not seen a good movie but Alien v.s. Predator and EVAN ALMIGHTY........

Favorite Songs:

Favorite Bands: Mine!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shout-Out List: cousins and some people here

Friend List: almost everyone

Favorite Quote: Live For Nothing Die For Something...... (CHRIST).......... BRING IT!!!!

Favorite Memories of CAACV:

Describe yourself with only 22 Words:

1. Soccer addicted
2. Drum player

1 comment:

Julia T. said...

ur the best jonathan!!!!!!!!!!!