Monday, March 24, 2008

Oscar- CURLES- Audelo

Name: Oscar Audelo



Favorite Subjects: My favorite subjects at CAA r uhh........... I cant think of any so ask me 2 tell u later o.k!!!

Favorite Activities: 2 many 2 tell!

Favorite Foods: pizza and hamburgers yup they r both very tasty....................................yummy!

Favorite Movies: i don't care about it!

Favorite Songs: i got a lot but i can't consider any my favorite!!

Favorite Bands: i am in 2 solo artists not bands.......................get it straight!!!.......jk

Shout-Out List: all of my friends at HILLTOP TABERNACLE and EAGLES PEAK!!!!!!!!

Friend List: Ryan, Deanna, Nathan, Thomas, Joshua, Eva, Amy, Barbora, Brandon and all of the nice peeps at Eagles Peak!

Favorite Quote: (Check it out!)................................(das wus up!).........................................those r weird quotes but i really do say them a lot!

Favorite Memories of CAACV: I have had a lot of memories here at Eagles Peak in the short time that I have been here so I really do not know.....ask me in about a month!

Describe yourself with only 22 Words:I am a person who is always as nice as possible 2 everyone. i am cool, smart, happy, talented, humble (lol), and funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love guys


Julia T. said...


Julia T. said...

that wuz very coooool i did not know all of that bout you! oh and whos initials are DNW JK JK JK i know who that is you guys make a great couple!!!!

Julia T. said...
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Julia T. said...


Julia T. said...

you guys make a good couple (hope u guys get together)

Julia T. said...

dangg i hope so too.
but u never knoe

Julia T. said...


Julia T. said...

oscar your a loser
if you left deanna for
aaliyah than u MUST have something
wrong wiht you eyes

Julia T. said...

umm ok who ever put dat there's something wrong wit his eyes is stupid cause aaliyah's very pretier than deanna so there is nothing wrong with his eyes

Julia T. said...

im sorry but i do not think that aliya is pretty at all