Monday, March 10, 2008


Favorite Subjects:Learning Lab
Favorite Activities:
Favorite Foods:Pizza
Favorite Movies:Disturbia ;]
Favorite Songs:Out the Wat
Favorite Bands:Hollywood Undead
Shout-Out List:Miranda: I bought a ice cream and it was cold so i gave it away :]
Giovanna: Leave my baby alone :]
Mara: Your mom :]
Karrisa: All the kids in the hood come and wave and shake your hands.... :]
Jennifer: I choked on my kiwi :]
Friend List: Tina[[X-tina]] Mara, Giovanna, Miranda,:]
Favorite Quote:Dude, Shutup Giovanna, Adam & Eve[[<---thanks giovanna]]
Favorite Memories of CAACV:
My favorite memory was when Miranda got pushed in a bush. It was Funny.
My other favorite memory is passing funny notes to Karrisa
22 words that Describe me: [[these words come from Karrisa]]
crazy,loud,obnoxious,gum chewer,note passer,mara strangler,kiwi choker[[byjennifer]]
has a fake laugh that turns into a real one,brings candy,makes everyone laugh,your mom,your generation,shortness,she thinks she is white even tho she is mexican,wears other peoples jackets.pretty,she is hot[ha insider]loves hollywood undead,tha producer,johnny three tears,funny man,johnny depp lover,travis barker,uhm...hmm...idk anymore:] ily kayla.

1 comment:

Julia T. said...

my first comment
goes to you:]
oh yeh funny notes
are awesome..
good times.