Wednesday, April 2, 2008


wats up guys this is lizette
yeah tell me how skools going guys
im not like you guys get to go to skool
i dont go to skool cuz skool was weird
well yeahz


Julia T. said...

that explains why your so

Julia T. said...

uhhhhhhh who wrote '' that explains why you so dumb because .......that is so trueeee

Julia T. said...

you ppl are so funny =]

Julia T. said...

ok hello lizette how r u doin? it is OSCAR a new student at CAA so ppl r sayin dat ur vry dum is dat tru or not tell da truth it is not good 2 lie, oh and by da way ur ugly jk jk i know im just kidding i have tnot even seen once and i am already calling u ugly dat is not nice of me i should be da stupid one ........but im not so...........ha ha ha!

Julia T. said...

good and you and nice to meet you oscer no im not they are dumb i dont really care they are jus haterz but watevrz

Julia T. said...

haha lizette u are dumb!!!