Saturday, April 19, 2008

doesnt it sukk...

when the person who broke your heart is the only one who can fix it??


Julia T. said...

who ever put that needs to get over the person that broke up with them.....get on with your life.....
gosh some people dont understand what brike up means!!!!

Julia T. said...

wow thats messed up.
some people are real insensitive...

Julia T. said...

yes it does suck..........but i am not the one who has been heartbroken so.......... ha ha ha that is the funniest thing ever!!!!!!! jk jk jk i will try to get him/her to get back with you even if i dont know who it is!!!

Julia T. said...

how ever is saying crap nees 2 stop and get over them selfes and have guts 2 say how u are!!!!just stop being jelous and stop getting in peoples buissnes