Thursday, June 5, 2008


bye to everyone! i will miss you all very very much!!
i did not want to leave today at all.
it was really sad for me
I didnt get a chance to say goodbye to the teachers because i had to go
so bye Mr smith mr parks and ms estreala.
You are all amazing teachers and have taught me so much about life..
don't worry mr smith I will do good in high school ;]
bye to all my friends!!
I love ayleen raquel laura giovanna kayla mara yeri karrisa miranda oscar ryan bj and everyone else too..
i just cant remeber right now!
but yeaa i will miss everyone...
my number is
so call me peoples!
and yeaa happy bday to ayleen i love you very much! ♥


Julia T. said...

Hi D,

Congrats and you are amazing and never forget all of your greatness! Come back and visit us anytime and email us anytime!

Big Smiles D,

(Mr. Smith)

Julia T. said...

high school suxx!